What's your Motor Coordination Score?

Are you clumsy?

Your Motor Coordination

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Motor coordination is the harmonious functioning of body parts that involve movement. This includes gross motor skills (walking, skipping, running, throwing), fine motor movement (handwriting, buttoning a shirt, keyboarding), and motor planning (the ability of the brain to conceive, organize, and carry out purposeful movements).

Examples: balance, body awareness, coordination, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, activity level

Answer each question below with a number, 1-5, based on the following:

  1. Strongly Disagree: This never occurs

  2. Disagree: This rarely occurs

  3. Neutral: This sometimes occurs

  4. Agree: This often occurs

  5. Strongly Agree: This always occurs

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How stressed out are you?

Your Stress Response
Area 2 of 7

Stress response reflects the hard-wiring of your body and brain to react to stress to protect you against threats, whether real or imagined. But, if your mind and body are constantly on edge because of excessive stress in your life, you may face serious health problems. This is because your body’s “fight-or-flight reaction” ‐ its natural alarm system ‐ is constantly on.

Examples: ability to reduce stress, to relax and lower tension, to decrease overwhelming feelings, to reduce nervous habits, and to improve poor sleep

Answer each question below with a number, 1-5, based on the following:

  1. Strongly Disagree: This never occurs

  2. Disagree: This rarely occurs

  3. Neutral: This sometimes occurs

  4. Agree: This often occurs

  5. Strongly Agree: This always occurs

How healthy are your relationships?

Your Social & Emotional Intelligence
Area 3 of 7

Social and emotional intelligence impact your ability to relate to others, manage emotions, resolve conflicts, and understand and respond to social situations.

Examples: self-confidence, compassion, social interactions, interpersonal relationships, mood regulation, conflict resolution

Answer each question below with a number, 1-5, based on the following:

  1. Strongly Disagree: This never occurs

  2. Disagree: This rarely occurs

  3. Neutral: This sometimes occurs

  4. Agree: This often occurs

  5. Strongly Agree: This always occurs

How well do you listen?

Your Auditory Processing
Area 4 of 7

Auditory processing is your ability to understand and make sense of what you hear. Difficulty processing auditory information can have a negative impact on learning, thinking, communication, and relationships.

Examples: listening, following verbal directions, focusing with background noise, having comfort with sound, understanding tone of voice, discriminating sounds

Answer each question below with a number, 1-5, based on the following:

  1. Strongly Disagree: This never occurs

  2. Disagree: This rarely occurs

  3. Neutral: This sometimes occurs

  4. Agree: This often occurs

  5. Strongly Agree: This always occurs

How easily can you express yourself?

Your Communication
Area 5 of 7

Communication is your ability to exchange information, thoughts, and opinions through verbal and written expression, including speech, language, voice, and writing, as well as nonverbal expression such as gesture, facial expressions, and body language.

Examples: verbal comprehension, oral and written communication, voice quality, reading comprehension, being understood by others, understanding body language

Answer each question below with a number, 1-5, based on the following:

  1. Strongly Disagree: This never occurs

  2. Disagree: This rarely occurs

  3. Neutral: This sometimes occurs

  4. Agree: This often occurs

  5. Strongly Agree: This always occurs

How organized are you?

Your Executive Functioning

Area 6 of 7

Executive function is an umbrella term for a set of high-level mental processes that control and regulate other abilities and behaviors. They include the ability to initiate and stop actions, to monitor and change behavior as needed, and to plan future behavior when faced with novel asks and situations. Executive functions allow us to anticipate outcomes and adapt to changing situations.

Examples: attention, memory, behavior, organization, time management, self control

Answer each question below with a number, 1-5, based on the following:

  1. Strongly Disagree: This never occurs

  2. Disagree: This rarely occurs

  3. Neutral: This sometimes occurs

  4. Agree: This often occurs

  5. Strongly Agree: This always occurs

How creative are you?

Your Creative Expression

Area 7 of 7

Creative expression is your ability to express yourself using original and open thinking, imagination, problem solving, and movement to create something new and/or respond to opportunities.

Examples: musicality, opening thinking, visual arts, creative writing, innovation, problem solving

Answer each question below with a number, 1-5, based on the following:

  1. Strongly Disagree: This never occurs

  2. Disagree: This rarely occurs

  3. Neutral: This sometimes occurs

  4. Agree: This often occurs

  5. Strongly Agree: This always occurs

Where do you struggle the most?

From the dropdown choices below, rank your areas of concern.

Each area of concern should only be listed once.

A few more details:

About you

About your loved one

Drumroll, please . . .

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